Ebola Radio Spot Addressing Audiences in Congregated Places

Year of Publication: 2022

This radio spot addresses audiences in congregated places and how they are at heightened risk of getting Ebola. The radio spot also provides a brief a bout what these audiences should do to protect themselves from Ebola.

Ebola Trigger Posters – Prevention, Signs & Symptoms

Year of Publication: 2022

The signs & symptoms poster provides details about the signs and symptoms of Ebola and what to do incase one is suspected to have Ebola. The prevention poster provides details on the key actions one should take to protect themselves from Ebola. The posters available in English and 13 local languages including Luganda, Lusoga, Runyoro-Rutooro, Runyankore-Rukiga, Acholi, Alur, Ateso, Kupsabiny, Lukhonzo, Swahili, Lugbara, Langi and Lumasaba. They were developed by the USAID Social and Behavior Change Activity (SBCA) in 2022.