Hygiene and Sanitation Resources (Living Freshi)

Year of Publication: 2023

The material provides information on various aspects of hygiene and sanitation, including open defecation, handwashing, and the proper usage of toilets. It emphasizes the importance of consistently and correctly using improved toilet facilities that are safe and easy to clean, aiming to promote proper toilet usage and put an end to open defecation. The material encourages individuals to either build new or upgrade their existing household toilets to meet improved standards. Additionally, it highlights the significance of practicing handwashing with soap at all critical times to improve hygiene and prevent infections.

This resource was developed by the Uganda Hygiene and Sanitation Activity.

Access all materials here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11ZiiPUcNnGbqIXGVk1fQldFbIbGDLSy2